As part of National Healthcare Estates and Facilities Management Day our Directors went back to the floor and experienced life on the frontline in some of our teams. The aim of the day was to say thank you to our staff for everything they do, especially during the pandemic but also day in day out.
Malcolm washed the dishes and mastered the till at a café
Malcolm, our Managing Director, washed up during the lunch service, learned how to use the till and also cleaned some fridges and got a real insight into the busy operation of the café over the lunchtime service.
Tracey tried a tractor and cut some grass
Tracey, our Deputy Managing Director, had a sit in one of our brand new tractors and heard first hand what an improvement they are on the old ones. She also tried her hand at some grass cutting.
Paul cleaned a ward
Paul, our Director of Estates and Facilities, helped clean a ward, learned the correct way to mop, and saw first hand the importance of our domestic staff to the life of a ward.