We believe everyone has potential and that is why Equity, Diversity and Inclusion is important to us as we seek to reflect the communities we serve. We want to recruit a diverse range of people and support our staff in their working lives.
Cultural Diversity
We have a Cultural Diversity Network and a champion for cultural diversity at board level. We monitor progress of culturally diverse staff from recruitment through to their career progression using a recognised NHS model. We are not obliged to do this but we do because we believe it is the right thing to do. The proportion of our staff from a culturally diverse background is increasing.
We have an LGBTQ+ staff network and a board level champion for LGBTQ+ issues. As a company we are proud members of Stonewall and celebrate Pride every year by attending events and marking it on our social media accounts.
We are proud to be a Disability Confident Employer and our staff have access to a Disabled Staff Network and we have a champion on our board for disability issues. We monitor progress of disabled staff from recruitment through to their career progression using a recognised NHS model. We take part in Project Choice which supports young people with learning difficulties and disabilities into work.
We support our staff as they get older and while many staff retain good health we make reasonable adjustments for those that may be affected by ill health.
Sex and Gender
We report on our gender pay gap and produce a plan each year on how we plan to reduce the gap. Our gender pay gap has been reducing over time and we have a female Managing Director. We have a menopause protocol which supports women who are going through the menopause as well as supporting their managers to put that support in place.
We have a strong record on providing apprenticeships and supporting apprentices into permanent employment wherever we can. We have signed the Armed Forces Covenant which demonstrates our commitment to being a great employer for those who have served our country.
Arran House
St Nicholas Hospital
Jubilee Road
Newcastle Upon Tyne
Registered Company Number 10458774. VAT Registration Number 262 2761 11
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