Fighting Fraud
The Board of NTW Solutions takes its responsibilities to protect its resources against fraud, bribery and corruption seriously. When we say ‘fraud’, we refer to a range of economic crimes, such as fraud, bribery and corruption or any other illegal acts committed by an individual or group of individuals to obtain a financial or professional gain.
How does NTW Solutions fight fraud?
NTW Solutions uses an internal NHS consortium which provides counter fraud services to 33 NHS trusts across the North of England called AuditOne. They work closely with NTW Solutions to combat fraud with a team of experienced Counter Fraud Specialists delivering a full range of counter fraud, bribery and corruption services including prevention, detection and investigation. Their professionally qualified Counter Fraud Specialists work to identify potential fraud, bribery and corruption risks through policy and system reviews and suggests remedial action to reduce and mitigate these risks. They are experienced in carrying out timely criminal investigations, from referral to prosecution.
How can you help tackle fraud?
If you suspect fraud is occurring, you can help by reporting your suspicions confidentially to the fraud hotline.
Follow these simple guidelines when reporting your suspicions:
How to report fraud
Contact their Counter Fraud Specialist
Their Counter Fraud Specialists deal with all reports of suspected fraud in the strictest confidence. You will be informed of the progress of the investigation and you will not suffer any recriminations from voicing reasonably held suspicions.
Fraud Hotline: 0191 441 5936
Contact the National Fraud and Corruption reporting line
Alternatively, you can phone the National Fraud and Corruption reporting line:
0800 028 40 60
All calls are made in strictest confidence and no attempt will be made to persuade you to provide your personal details if you want to remain anonymous. You will be given a call reference number which you can quote if you phone again with additional information.
Bribery and corruption
Statement of Compliance for Bribery Act 2010
On the 1 July 2011 the Bribery Act came into force. The Bribery Act applies to all commercial and NHS organisations, and provides a new consolidated scheme of bribery offences.
The Act contains two general offences covering the offering, promising or giving of a bribe and the requesting, agreeing to receive or accepting of a bribe. It also sets out two further offences which specifically address commercial bribery:
The Board and Executive Team within NTW Solutions are against any form of bribery and are committed to the terms and obligations imposed by the Bribery Act. It is a duty of all our staff to consider any hospitality offered to them, inform their line manager of the offer, and to declare any such hospitality on the Gift and Hospitality Register.
When entering in to contracts with organisations NTW Solutions follows the NHS standard terms and conditions of contract for the purchase of goods and supplies.
If you suspect that bribery or corruption has or is taking place, please contact the Counter Fraud Team at AuditOne on: Telephone: 0191 441 5936
Arran House
St Nicholas Hospital
Jubilee Road
Newcastle Upon Tyne
Registered Company Number 10458774. VAT Registration Number 262 2761 11
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