Our amazing staff and patients on Akenside Ward rescued a young hedgehog that was found by our porter, Stephen, in the ward garden out in the daytime.
She only weighed 180g (they generally need to be 500g to survive their first winter) so the team took her to Pawz for Thought in Sunderland who named her Ursula! They currently have 700 young hedgehogs they are supporting over the winter after the unusually warm autumn has resulted in many hedgehog families having a second litter late in the season.
Hedgehogs usually hibernate between November to mid-March, but they can sometimes be seen out and about during this period changing nesting sites. It is unusual to see a hedgehog around during winter or in daylight, so if you do see one and it looks unwell, it might need a helping hand.
If you find an unwell hedgehog, contact The British Hedgehog Preservation Society who can offer in depth advice and help you find a local rescue centre.