NTW Solutions has adopted a new menopause protocol to support those who are going through the menopause and upskill managers who can help support them. The menopause is an important issue which affects a lot of people in the workplace and can have a major impact on people’s working lives. The issue has not had the attention it deserves because both those who are going through it and those who manage them have been embarrassed to discuss it.
The protocol has been adopted as part of NTW Solutions strategy to be a great and inclusive employer. The aim of the protocol is to outline the support available for staff who are experiencing the menopause. It also outlines support for managers who may not be familiar with the symptoms and what support could be offered. Overall one of the aims of the protocol is to raise the profile of the menopause and reduce the stigma and embarrassment associated with discussing it.
NTW Solutions is committed to ensuring that employees feel confident in discussing menopausal symptoms openly, without embarrassment, and are able to ask for support and adjustments in order to continue to work safely. This involves some practical steps as the ability to change temperature in workplaces or the provision of fans or allowing for temporary changes to working arrangements.
To tie in with the adoption of the policy a session was arranged for staff which covered the menopause and was delivered by experts from our employee assistance programme provider. Further activity is planned to support those affected and to keep the profile of the issue high within the company.