NTW Solutions supports Pride at Northgate Hospital

NTW Solutions has supported a Pride event at Northgate Hospital to allow service users there to enjoy Pride where they might not otherwise be able to. The company supported clinical teams at Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust (CNTW) who organised the event.

The NTW Solutions catering team baked some colourful cupcakes and helped the clinical teams set up the room. The event was a great success and was enjoyed by service users and staff alike.

Here at NTW Solutions we are proud to be an inclusive employer and we are always striving to make our workplaces a safe and welcoming space for staff and visitors, regardless of gender or sexuality. As a company we celebrate Pride every year by attending events and marking it on our social media accounts. 

Celebrating Pride month is very important to us, Pride started as a protest called the Stonewall Riots which happened because Police tried to raid the Stonewall Inn in New York. Pride Month honours those who were part of the most important gay rights protests and helps us celebrate the lives of those who fought for our rights, and celebrates how far we have come and how far we still have to go.